Being a mother, I know how frustrating it can sometimes be when our children act out in public. Patience is a hard thing for children to endure. Their attention spans are not long and they get bored easily. Sometimes all it takes is a little attention from an outsider to change or diffuse the entire attitude of the situation at hand.
Today I witnessed a mother's frustration. More than likely she was already stressed out waiting at social services to be seen for emergency assistance. Her little girl sat quietly and happily for over an hour. Slowly as time passed after that hour mark the child became restless, irritable and eventually crying and throwing a small tantrum. I could see the mom's embarrassment and frustration gradually building. So instead of being a "gawker" like the rest of the crowd. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and intervene. I had remembered I had a brand new tiny pink heart stamper in my purse. The boys received it as a prize at the Fall Festival at Grace Fellowship and had asked me to hold on to it for their sisters. I decided that this tuckered out little tike needed it more than my daughters did. I approached the pair as the child squirmed and screamed in her mothers arms. I asked the mother what the child's name was, then I called the child out softly by her name. She stopped crying. She just stared at me in surprise. I then revealed to her what I held in the palm of my hand. Her little teary eyes were gleaming. I said ask your mommy if it's ok if you have this stamper. She did and the mom said yes. I said make sure you have your mom take the plastic off of it for you. I smiled and wandered back over to my seat and continued my own wait. The mother asked the child to turn to me and thank me, and she did. I said you're welcome and smiled again.
The mother showed the child how to work this new amazing little device. The look of splendorous wonder washed over the child's face. She exclaimed "It's a heart mommy!",as she smiled at her mother. It was a priceless moment to see a child enjoying something for the very first time. She was fascinated how the ink on the pad could transfer pretty pink hearts all over her paper. Another hour passed, but the girl sat there all smiles learning about ink and how the stamp worked together on the paper. When she had finished her master piece she held it up proudly for the whole room to see. She didn't gain much attention but she certainly had mine. I gave her a huge smile and a thumbs up. Her mom showed her how to stamp a heart on her hand. Another new cool way to use her new toy. She stamped herself, stamped her mom... but then she scooted off of her mom's lap and scurried over to where I was sitting. Her tiny hands grabbed mine and she proceeded to give me a couple stamps on each hand. I looked down and saw the four sideways hearts and my own heart flooded with warmth. It reminded me of my 4 boys, and their willingness to share their prize that made another child's day and mine.
Sometimes during the hustle and bustle of daily stresses we need little reminders of what's truly important in life. I know that I certainly was stamped permanently in my own heart with the impression of this innocent child's joy. It's the little things in life that matter. You never know how one small act of kindness can alter a person for the rest of their life, and sometimes when doing so- it can change your own in the process.
very nice story
Stacie, that was such a touching story!! I am so glad that I was able to meet you through Patrick!! God bless you!!
You know how to touch a heart. Brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you, means more than you could ever imagine. As a child, life was hard for me socially... but my mother instilled some wonderful values, and although I have the best of intentions I don't always bring them through w/ success. But I keep trying. I do love my family dearly- and long to be close knit- I also love the handful of close friends I have been fortunate enough to acquire. May God bless you all. I do need to write a new blog soon. <3
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