...tip toe, tip toe... in the silence of the night around the corner of my door frame appears this incredibly adorable smiling face. It's only about 2 am as he sits there with a shit eating grin...I couldn't help but to smile at his exuberant expression. "Owen! What are you doing up", I exclaim with a half cocked smile. He says nothing...just grins and extends his arm holding an empty sippy cup. I said that he should be in bed it was too late for juice. He slowly raises his cup and points repeatedly at the water dispenser. "Ice and water, ice and water" he softly chants with a heart warming smile. Okay seriously who could be mad at that... he's too stinkin' cute and he knows it.
I sighed and got out of bed to fulfill his request as any good mother would. He just peered at me with the biggest smile in the world... he had toted with him this adorable green fairy froggy that the "ikea santa" brought him last christmas. I smiled at him and asked him what his frogs name was... he looked at me perplexed as I continued to refill his sippy... he then put his forefinger to his sweet little cubby face and said " spelled the letters J-I-G then said Froggy, that's his name". I chuckled. HE's the youngest of 6 and he's the only one that spells things before he says what they are. I suppose this has to do with the influence of a certain Aspergian role model he had the majority of his God given days. I said, "J-I-G"..."froggy, huh?" he said yep and grinned. I giggled and took him into my arms and selfishly made him kiss me on my cheek.
Since he was up and so was I now, we made our way through the laundry room so mommy could go potty. I sat him outside the restroom on a stool as I disappeared into the bathroom and he just grinned from ear to ear... I then proceeded to change his diaper after I was done... and we were then on our way back through the main bedroom... in doing so we had to pass a full length mirror. Out of no where OWen said look mom I see me in your miwwor. His cute baby talk stopped me in my tracks. So I enlightened him and let him peer for a moment into the reflection. He said I have blue eyes mommy...I said yes you do- as I giggled in my sleep deprived state... he then said you have blue eyes too mommy... I said yes I do. He said I see us in your miwwor, I said yes you do... he said I see the whites beside your eyes mommy... so observant for a 3 yr old... this inquisitive nature about various things continued for sometime until I said "OWen, do you know what time it is?"... Owen grinned and said "yes, it's tip toe time" hahaha.
Often when he gets up on our way back to bed I say he has to tiptoe, since he walks on his tippys a lot anyway as most autistic children do... it just tickled me the way he said it. I sat him down, reluctantly, as I enjoy holding him in my arms. He's just getting so very big, so very fast and I miss his baby stages. He adorably and literally tiptoed to bed and climbed in w/ his ice water sippy and his froggy named J-i-g... and I tucked him back in bed. I suppose his jig was up... but it will forever remain a precious memory in my heart and mind forever. I love that little boy so very much...as much as I do his brothers and sisters and his mentor... life really passes us by so very quickly. It's moments like these that are worth far more than money ever could be. I wouldn't miss this time for the world, nothing is more important to me than being with those I love. There is nothing that could keep me away from being w/ my loved ones, absolutely nothing.
so cute! most autistic kids tip toe? that's something i haven't come across in my reading yet. brooke walked on tip toes till she was about 3. still does sometimes.
Thanks... he is such a precious kid. clever, funny and one of a kind. Yes, I walked on tiptoes too sometimes still do haha, I used to think it was because I was short and btw my very bestfriend until I was a teen was my black cat tarbaby.
Check out this page and look under autism symptoms :) http://www.autismkey.com/what_is_autism.htm Owen thus far is the child with the worst meltdowns...he's the master! LOL That sweet memory would have been a nightmare had I said no to him wanting water. Aspies can be manipulative that way.
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