Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sounds like...laughter

‎"...I'm sorry there's just something that sounds so wrong with "twist it, twist it" ...."bop it ...bop it"..."twist it, twist it...bop it bop it" oooooooo yeah so wrong. Maybe it's just my mind. I think I'd laugh all day long if I was a toy tester. HAHA, yeah see even that sounds so wrong to me. I'm gonna go stick my head in the sand for the rest of the night and pray I don't wake up a stiff."~Stacie Hadley

Monday, November 22, 2010


"Eye be LEAF" the leaves are falling & I know they have all lived their season.Oh how I'd hate to be a leaf & live such a short life on earth... but perhaps to trees leaves are like hair or skin that sheds on people,so perhaps it's just showing us we all go through phases & we should learn from them how short our seasons on earth are. We are born,we grow,we mature,we die,the end here(in between it all we live)until there. ><> Stacie HAdley

Friday, November 19, 2010

Start with yourself

This is not something I wrote...but worthy enough to share. IT was written by an anonymous person many years ago.
The following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in the Crypts of Westminster Abbey:

When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change my own country.

But it, too, seemed immovable.

As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing  only my family and those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it.

And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize:If I had only changed MY SELF FIRST, then by example I would have changed my family.

From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and who knows, I may have changed the world.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Utter Nonsense

Conflicted natures, confusing words...utter nonsense!

I miss you and yours and want to hold you so very much but I don't see how it's going to work out....

I'm Beginning To See

  • When he had spit on the [blind] man's eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?" He looked up and said, "I see people; they look like trees walking around." Once more Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes...and he saw everything clearly. (Mark 8:22-25)

     Well now...why didn't I think of that before. What PERFECT logic. Let's see, loving someone so much that avoiding them because you don't know how to make a life with them in the absolutely BEST solution. Wow, why didn't I think of that.

    ...How Perfect in the IMPERFECT world to SEEK perfection in any form of any type of relationship....

    Do you think it's possible to seek the impossible???  I'm pretty sure if one looks for the perfect road to the perfect relationship in life and plans out every step of how "THEY" see it should work rather than letting GOD show them how it WILL work instead of just loving, enjoying the short time we are given,believing and having faith. 

    Gosh I have always wanted to meet somone fall in love with them and to feel the way E.B. White wrote
    " Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning- definitely the sensation of belonging there." 
    Have you ever felt that way about anyone? Such a natural comfort, unlike any other you have EVER experienced in your life? And then walk away from it, yeah...that makes sense... after all I'm scared of how things will work out in the end so it's much better to just walk away now and never find out. Never try everything possible to make the relationship work because well, I just don't want it to fail. 

    I have yet to meet a perfect person. I know I never will. I know as I age life has molded me like playdoh. I have been through so many different experiences and learned so much from all kinds of relationships. I have sought unconditional love, and know for a fact that it exists because I carry it in my heart. Many including my own blood have not shown me that same mercy, that same fair shake...for whatever reason they have chosen it's much better for their lives to just not be a part of mine. Not to enjoy my laughter and tears, not to see my children and their wild and whacky antics and endless humor and love... and the hugs, the stories...the purest of all joys this life could possibly bring.'s not what they want for their life and I can't make them be a part of mine. I can want certain relationships until I am blue in the face...but unless they want them too- they are right it will never work, they don't see how it can work because it's not really what they want. 

    What they want more than likely doesn't exist. They may find it alongside a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow in a field where the unicorns graze. Just maybe. Imagination can be wonderful, but reality is so much better. Both are needed in life... and it takes creativity and the power of unconditional love, and belief in God and faith that it will work out if we put forth an effort to make it so.

    In life others instruct us on what we need to do in order to be successful in life, and what we should look for in a mate...and we often use our parents as models in finding those mates. I for one choose not to use that theory in my life. I never want a relationship like the kind my parents had. It was for them, but it wasn't and isn't for me. It worked for them, that's great.... I would much rather have a more meshing that shared the same interests as me, or did things I had desires to learn about or at least intrigued me. Someone that shares my same warped,whacky sense of humor and can laugh at me and themselves.Many people bring sameness and difference to relationships which is wonderful and needed. What one cannot do-the other can and so on and so forth. Two is better than one, and it's how God planned it. It bugs me when people say you don't need a man...I'm not that type of person. I do need a man and so do my boys...I need one to teach them how to be men of their word. When they say something they follow through. I need them to show my boys how to love a woman, how to take care of a family by just simply being there and not walking away. I need them to show my boys how to use tools... okay they don't need to know- but I want them to know. I think being handy is an attractive quality in a man, and my dad was a handy guy. I wish he was still around, I wish he had taught me a little more about being handy even though I'm female. He did teach me a few things... and those I apply.

    We can't control others, we can only control how we react to them. I can expect to have a lifetime of hurt...if I keep an open, loving, soft, bleeding heart. All the hardships I have endured, and a lot of them alone have shaped my character....but they haven't hardened my heart. They haven't made me hold grudges or be bitter because I see how that affects others. It's an ugly thing to see and can be devastating to those who love them. I never want to fight w/ the person I love....ever. But how realistic is that. There will be disagreements always between every human being alive...mothers to fathers, parents to children, grandparents to grandkids, friend to friend... in those times of trials and tribulations we can stay and fight for whats worth keeping or we can walk away. I have never been one to walk away...but I do know when I'm tired of paddling alone...on an uphill battle... one can only go on so long before they are exhausted. I guess I'd go to the ends of the earth to be with someone I loved, no matter the hour, the need, I'd find a way to make it happen....but that's just me. I am not perfect and I have much to work on in my life, but I will ALWAYS have things to improve on.... would be better to have someone to hold my hand while I do....

    but we don't always get what we want...
    but God will give us what we need...
    and I suppose I don't need anyone else to quit on me or my children...
    but I will never have control over that, just as I will never have control over how long God will let me keep breathing on this earth. for all I know today could be my last day here... and wouldn't it be spent best with those I really love, uncertainties and all. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

" like's the fabric of our lives. Don't believe everything you see or hear, but believe what you feel... "
 ♥ ♥~ Stacie HAdley Sylvia written 11-15-10

Saturday, November 13, 2010

"If you can't go a day 
without thinking about someone, 
then you shouldn't go a day 
without being with them."

~Stacie Hadley 11-13-2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Feel What You Cannot See

"I have reached a wall...
I look to the left and the wall goes on for infinity...
I look to the right and the perspective is identical...
I look down at my feet which are firmly planted on the ground...
I look behind me and I see chaos...
I look up and I see nothing,nothing at all... 
but I feel something that is not visible...
I feel peace." 

Stacie Hadley 11-12-10
><> <3 <>< 

If you click on the photo it will enlarge so that you may see it more clearly.

(but upon further inspection I see Jesus' profile looking towards the heavens like a sideways crescent from the split in his beard to the shape and his lips and nose and eye socket area...compared to a drawing the resemblances are remarkable...perhaps this is just how it was revealed to me so that I would know... but below Jesus towards what would be the top of his head is a vertical profile of my earthly father, Zach Hadley ...he's looking to the left you can see the shape of his head made w/ both the positive and negative colors in the can see his lip shapes...his nose and his eyes...and what appears to b his reading glasses ...I just know I see my father he is there he was there he is with my heavenly father and he is watching over us all, just as Jesus is... this is just what I see, this is what it means to me...and you can choose to BELIEVE or not...I know what I saw and what I felt and that's my gift I am trying to share w/ all of you....hope you choose to receive it-Stacie Hadley  this photo was taken on Nov. 5, 2010 in Kinston NC)

Stacie Hadley 11-12-10
><> <3 <>< 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Steel my heart

Love is like a steel can...

Once in a great while someone takes your life by storm...
 so powerful and abrasive not even an umbrella can protect you-

 the velocity of the winds uproot and invert your umbrella 
they twist and sway you from the inside out...
never to be turned out right again...

along the line the storm dents your steel 
and then you become damaged goods from other's perspectives

left to sit on a shelf to collect dust...
until someone deems you worthy dents and all. 

dents add character...

storms push you into a new place...

and love, ...

true love,...of the unconditional persuasion...
that kind of love... heals all.

~Stacie Hadley 11-11-10

The moral is:

Just because this can has taken some hard knocks in it's life and it doesn't appear perfect to those who obviously see it has visible flaws in it's world...doesn't mean that life's experiences haven't changed the contents inside the can for the better. The contents haven't expired...they have aged well and grown from the dents life kicked it with. Stop kicking the can,... love the know you can.

with love,
Stacie Hadley 

***hoping to heal broken hearts, broken relationships...everywhere... everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves time and time again for nobody is perfect and time changes and ages things...

***don't let the rust spots and the dents ruin relationships!

photography by me(Stacie Hadley) can, my kitchen...just because parts are broken doesn't mean they aren't worth fixing...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Silly Quote from an artsy fartsy folk...that'd be me.

"I never have given a twat about a tweet... it's for the birds I say. Chirp is cheap...twat is a treat, unless the tweet is a tainted twat then...all is for naught! To think Penicillin used to be a "cure" all... I think NOT. Park your BEAK for talk is cheap but I am not " Stacie Hadley


...broken heart, broken house, broken home, broken family, broken dreams, broken thoughts, broken phone, broken frig,broken dryer,broken door knob, broken sink, breaking car, broken walls, broken roof,...

broken this and that...

broken, broken, broken...

broken record...


broken spirit???...


...bruised but not broken,...
shattered but not unrepairable.

...but that heart...

that broken heart...

... on many accords,
... via many people,
will take centuries to mend.

Sound appealing? The only thing that's a peeling is my ceiling.
