Relationships are best examined with the perspective that you are "peeking" through a fence. You can focus more readily on the mundane nuances that occur when people don't think they are being watched or seen. So many parts of ones inner most being are best kept contained, say within the perimeters of a fence. Every now and then things will slip through the cracks of that fence revealing the utter most truths. Some may be beautiful and others hideous.
To really know someone you have to take peeks into that fence when all guards are down and people feel comfortable to be their private selves. It's an interesting theory really. So many things can be discovered not only about others, but ourselves if we unveil this perspective from time to time. Perhaps we should examine our own habits or ways when we are sure that we are completely alone. The real truth behind it all, is even though we think we are alone. We never are. God is with us and who knows, I suppose it is possible that people that have passed on are watching us too. Gosh to think someone watches me shower. Good gravy!
Often I will wander into my yard, behind my beautiful fence that was so methodically built by a good friend of mine. I am, for all intents and purposes, alone on these quiet little strolls. However, as I just sit and enjoy the brief solitude, if a neighbor comes out- I can see them, through those cracks in my fence. It's interesting really. They often don't know I am there. It's during these moments I wonder how many times the roles have been reversed. These oozing glimpses through the cracks of a fence. I certainly hope I wasn't picking my nose. Sometimes those glimpses revealed through those cracks can make or break even the most solid relationship. Somethings are just not negotiable in life. Others may be sheer annoyances or disappointments but can be contended with.
My reason behind wanting to share this peeking through the fence theory is so that we can work on changing our weak or bad areas that often go unnoticed or are rarely seen. Those sides of ourselves we are perhaps ashamed of or know we should be doing things in life differently. The best way to examine and repair any relationship is to start with yourself first. It's much easier to pick apart others flaws that seep through those cracks in the fence, but first we must seek to mend our own festering short comings.
These certainly can be done simultaneously or alongside those whom we have a relationship with. Then again, sometimes people need to sit apart from someone and take time to examine their issues. They need to be sorted and reorganized in order to continue that relationship in particular. As long as we don't fool ourselves and waste time we can continue to move forward. The bad thing in life is that while our wheels are turning so are the hands of the clock because time is limited. It's a very precious commodity that shouldn't be wasted. If we wait to long to restore broken relationships they may stay that way forever. Life is too short to try to fix things on a solo ship for too long so we must know that we should work swiftly in order for our contents of the inner fence to remain in tact.We also don't need to get sidetracked by trivial things that in the end won't really matter at all to us or anyone else.So we need to ask ourselves, "Is what I am doing behind my fence going to benefit my future, is it bettering the relationships with God and others in my life? and the cracks that are visible to others...How will my current efforts be reflected or conveyed to others in my life?" I suppose the answer to the last one is sometimes it doesn't matter what other people think as long as we know our ambition of self improvement is on a steady incline rather than a decline. We certainly don't want to sit stagnant while those hands on the clock keep moving forward. We don't want to miss out on somethings in life that may make cracks in our own fence more pleasing to not only others but ourselves down the road of life.
As for our relationships, in order for this word to exist it means we must have some sort of rapport with others. Certainly we don't carry a mirror around as hope that that vain image is the only one we want to reside with the rest of our days on this earth. It's a fact we all need people in our lives. It's what God intended. It was his plan 2 by 2. Just as our relationship with God exists because he already loves us and sees us inside and outside of our fences. Day and Night, he's peeking. Tomorrow is a new day, are you gonna start working on your imperfections? I know I am. I'd be ashamed for someone to peek into my personal fence. Unfortunately in life, it's a constant chore. We will always need to work on improving the views inside our that when someone does take the time to peek...they will like what they see and we will like what they find.
On a side note, the inspiration behind this blog was something I thought of because of my inclusive snapshot of a view into my neighbor's glorious flower garden from the crack in my fence.