We have all been victim of being dragged down, weighed down, tied down... to an ole' rusty Anchor. Whether it was a set of pessimistic parents or friends that merely viewed life as half empty rather than half full. At some point we have to realize that we can't move forward and let the wind catch our sails if we still haven't let go of what's holding us back. Someone made reference to ships docked in a harbor being safe. Sure... but what were ships designed for? Sailing.
God didn't design us to stay in the place that is easier for us... he didn't want us to be enabled and have it on easy street. He wanted us to let go of our safety nets and set sail to realize the plan he had in store for us all along. We all have a purpose in this life... but we can't attain that if we don't try for it. We need to spread those sails and let the wind carry us where we need to be. We know in our hearts we are not happy or satisfied when we have anchors holding us in place, especially if we haven't moved very far in life. We all have dreams and aspirations... but God also has a dream for our lives. Sure in our comfort zone where we don't have to work very hard to merely "sustain" ourselves... we can... survive. But we aren't "living." We aren't thriving. That is why we get depressed.
Once we reach a port that is satisfying we will be truly happy. God will be happy for us. Perhaps at bay from time to time the currents may come along that are strong enough to budge our rusty anchors. We may move a little to the left and a little to the right... we may skip forward with that current or backwards... but the reality is we are still attached to that rusty anchor. Well why is it rusty you may say...that's because we have been holding on to it for FAR too many years. Eventually the rust will eat away and we may just float away never seeing what we were meant to see because by this time our sails will have dry rotted as well.
Life is short. Sail while you can sail...and see what he wanted you to see. It's time to unhitch our rusty anchors and move forward with our lives. What's holding you back? Let your heart and soul rejoice in all it's glorious spender. Have a "little faith" it will carry you a long, long way. You may upset some waves... there may be turbulence for fighting for your freedom... but it's YOUR life and nobody else's so seize it. Don't be a bottom dweller any longer... don't sway stagnant in the currents of your life... cut yourself free, float to the top and sail.