Thursday, November 11, 2010

Steel my heart

Love is like a steel can...

Once in a great while someone takes your life by storm...
 so powerful and abrasive not even an umbrella can protect you-

 the velocity of the winds uproot and invert your umbrella 
they twist and sway you from the inside out...
never to be turned out right again...

along the line the storm dents your steel 
and then you become damaged goods from other's perspectives

left to sit on a shelf to collect dust...
until someone deems you worthy dents and all. 

dents add character...

storms push you into a new place...

and love, ...

true love,...of the unconditional persuasion...
that kind of love... heals all.

~Stacie Hadley 11-11-10

The moral is:

Just because this can has taken some hard knocks in it's life and it doesn't appear perfect to those who obviously see it has visible flaws in it's world...doesn't mean that life's experiences haven't changed the contents inside the can for the better. The contents haven't expired...they have aged well and grown from the dents life kicked it with. Stop kicking the can,... love the know you can.

with love,
Stacie Hadley 

***hoping to heal broken hearts, broken relationships...everywhere... everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves time and time again for nobody is perfect and time changes and ages things...

***don't let the rust spots and the dents ruin relationships!

photography by me(Stacie Hadley) can, my kitchen...just because parts are broken doesn't mean they aren't worth fixing...

1 comment:

roxiehart said...

WOW, I would totally have to agree with this.. I feel just like this can. I am so glad someone has taken the time to realize I am better off for all I have been through and I am a much stronger person for it. Stacie this one really hit home. Love ya sweetie.