Monday, November 8, 2010


...broken heart, broken house, broken home, broken family, broken dreams, broken thoughts, broken phone, broken frig,broken dryer,broken door knob, broken sink, breaking car, broken walls, broken roof,...

broken this and that...

broken, broken, broken...

broken record...


broken spirit???...


...bruised but not broken,...
shattered but not unrepairable.

...but that heart...

that broken heart...

... on many accords,
... via many people,
will take centuries to mend.

Sound appealing? The only thing that's a peeling is my ceiling.



SherilinR said...

oh, so much sadness.

Artsiejavagirl said...

...and such is life...tis a phase, albeit a long one. It's called, building character...I used to think I had enough character already, ....pffffft.

SherilinR said...

never enough character. always room for more, unfortunately. =)